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Najam Sethi Uncovers Shocking Revelations: A Deep Dive into the Conspiracy Against the Army Chief

Najam Sethi Uncovers Shocking Revelations: A Deep Dive into the Conspiracy Against the Army Chief

In a recent discussion, Najam Sethi revealed shocking details about an alleged conspiracy targeting Pakistan's Army Chief. These revelations encompass controversial videos, the potential for major arrests, and a deeper...


The Complex Dynamics of Agricultural Policies in Wheat, Manure, and Sugar in Pakistan

The Complex Dynamics of Agricultural Policies in Wheat, Manure, and Sugar in Pakistan

Agricultural policies in Pakistan have long been a subject of intense debate and scrutiny. Every year, the country experiences fluctuations in the stocks of key agricultural commodities such as wheat,...


Current Political Climate in Pakistan: A Perspective

Current Political Climate in Pakistan: A Perspective

Assalam Walekum, hope you all are well. I am thrilled to engage with your comments and feedback. It's always refreshing to hear your thoughts, even from those who might not...


PTI’s Expectations and Court’s Decision on Live Streaming

PTI’s Expectations and Court’s Decision on Live Streaming

Today marked a significant day for PTI as Khan Saheb awaited the court's decision on live streaming. PTI had high hopes that live streaming of court proceedings would be allowed,...


Extreme Heatwave Sweeps Across Pakistan and India

Extreme Heatwave Sweeps Across Pakistan and India

A severe heatwave has gripped large parts of Pakistan and India, causing record-breaking temperatures and increasing health-related incidents. Here is a detailed report on the current situation. Rising Temperatures Across...


Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch Seeks Time for Decision on Joining Opposition Alliance

Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch Seeks Time for Decision on Joining Opposition Alliance

In the evolving political landscape of Pakistan, Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch, a prominent political figure, is at a crossroads. He has requested additional time from the national party to deliberate...


Economic Changes of  Care Taker Government’s Impact

Economic Changes of Care Taker Government’s Impact

In a recent revelation, the Care Taker government, having held power for 6 months and 23 days, has implemented a series of economic changes that have sparked widespread discussions. In...


Lahore’s weather in Ramdan

Lahore’s weather in Ramdan

As the cityscape dons a tranquil cloak of coolness, Lahore experiences a resurgence of winter's charm. The temperatures have plummeted to a refreshing 8 degrees Celsius, marking a record in...
